
    • 脂肪乳注射液(C14~24)
    ENGLISH NAME: Fat Emulsion Injection(C14~24)
    SPECIFICATIONS: (1) 500 ml : Soybean Oil 50 g : Lecithin 6 g; (2)  250 ml : Soybean Oil 50 g : Lecithin 3 g
    LICENSE NUMBER: (1) 500 ml : Soybean Oil 50 g : Lecithin 6 g H20023498; (2)  250 ml : Soybean Oil 50 g : Lecithin 3 g H20063064
    PRODUCT PACKAGING: Glass Infusion Bottle, Non-PVC Multilayer Co-extrusion Film Infusion Bag
    FORMULATION: Large Volume Parenteral
    STORAGE CONDITION: Shading, Closed, Preservation of the Shade
    SHELF LIFE: 24 Months
    Description: Fat emulsion injection is made from refined soybean oil, glycerine, refined lecithin infusion of fat emulsion. The product is a non-intestinal supplies under high-energy and essential fatty acids. Clinically used before and after surgery, the tumor, long-term coma can not eat or burns patients or babies need to add fat nutrition. The product is white opaque intravenous infusion of fat emulsion. The product emulsion for infusion, containing using refining lecithin emulsion refined soybean oil, of which about 60% of the fatty acids essential fatty acids, particle size and biomass with natural chylomicrons. Fat emulsion is both uniform and stable fat emulsion consisting of a refined soybean oil and refined lecithin, is important because it is the treatment of non-intestinal supplies provided under the high-energy and essential fatty acids. The product per liter to 4.6 MJ (1100 kcal) of heat is the human body a valuable energy supplements.

    Pharmacological effects: of certain unsaturated fatty acids, the body itself can not synthesize the required intake from vegetable oil is the body's essential nutrients, it is called essential fatty acids and prostate prostaglandin, thromboxane and white physiologically active substances such as leukotriene precursor fatty acids are the body's main energy source, fatty acid oxidation is an important source of energy in the body. sufficient oxygen supply, the fatty acids in the body break down into CO2 and H2O and release large amounts of energy for the body to the form of ATP utilization. In addition to brain tissue, most organizations can oxidation of fatty acids, especially in the liver and muscle is the most active phospholipids constitute the biofilm cells (cell membrane, nuclear membrane, mitochondrial membrane) lipid bilayer basic skeleton, still constitute the major components of the lipoproteins involved in the transport of fat and cholesterol, low plasma phospholipids, cholesterol/lecithin ratio increased, prone to cholesterol deposition caused by atherosclerosis, it is phospholipid anti-high-hypercholesterolemia. In addition, phospholipids and bile salts in bile, cholesterol with the formation of particles, is conducive to the dissolution and excretion of cholesterol, phospholipids are widely distributed in nature, soybeans and other seeds were more abundant plants, animals, nerve the tissue content of the product is a fat emulsion for intravenous infusion used in sterilization, containing injection of soybean oil and injected with lecithin, of which about 60% of the fatty acids are essential fatty acids. Particle size and biological characteristics of the goods and natural chylomicrons similar.

    Pharmacokinetics: Indications applicable to malabsorption due to gastrointestinal disorders, newborn babies, premature babies, before and after surgery, oncology, long-term coma can not eat or burns patients with a variety of supplemental fat nutrition. Adults intravenous infusion rate of 40 drops/minute, day 250~500ml. Infants and young children can use the infusion pump infusion is less than the speed of 0.8ml/kg/h day per kg body weight dose of 5 ~ 40ml.regularly check the patient clearance given the ability of the fat, the dose can be adjusted to the most appropriate range.

    Indications: energy supplement drugs that the product is an integral part of parenteral nutrition for the body to provide energy and essential fatty acids for parenteral nutrition supplement energy and essential fatty acids, prevention and treatment of essential fatty acid deficiency, and also for the maintenance and restoration of the normal essential fatty acid levels in patients by the oral route can not provide essential fatty acids. 30% fat emulsion injection is more suitable for a high degree of increase of fluid volume limitations and energy demand patients. Lecithin adjuvant treatment of atherosclerosis, fatty liver, as well as children with eczema, neurasthenia. Solvents, emulsifiers and fats and oils for increased antioxidants in the pharmaceutical excipients.

    Precautions: In the infusion process or stop the infusion, and occasionally the body temperature rises and chills, headache, chest tightness, nausea, vomiting and other early side effects or the emergence of chronic back pain, anemia, hepatosplenomegaly side effects, proper control of infusion rate, reduce side effects. when a serious imbalance in fat metabolism (such as severe liver damage, acute shock) to disable the product. 
    1 the product is used under the guidance of a doctor.
    2. before infusion, such as surface floating oil droplets can not be used.
    3 continuous infusion for a week you want to check the patient to give the clearance capacity of the fatty acid. Such as renal insufficiency, decompensated diabetes, liver dysfunction, metabolic disorders and sepsis, etc., should be checked daily fatty acid clearance capacity of the patient.
    4. In order to maintain the steady state of the fat emulsion injection, except with isotonic glucose solution, the amino acid injection compatibility, the goods shall not be mixed with other drugs, nutrients or electrolyte solution.
    5. unused liquid after opening should discard, must not be left to a later re-use.

    Adverse reaction:Adverse reactions of blood and blood vessels: Occasionally, phlebitis, vascular pain, and bleeding tendency, and occasionally vein thrombosis; allergies; liver long-term use can cause liver dysfunction, may take reduction measures ; circulatory system: occasionally lower blood pressure, tachycardia, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, chills, etc.; digestive system: occasionally nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, thirst; other aspects of fever, chills, flushing, floating .Other side effects are rare and include:
    1 immediate early side effects: high allergic reactions (allergic reactions, rash, urticaria), respiratoryeffects (eg shortness of breath) and cyclic (eg, hypertension/hypotension). Hemolysis, mesh polycythemia, abdominal pain, headache, fatigue, priapism.
    2 delayed side effects: long-term infusion of the product, the baby may occur thrombocytopenia. In addition, the long-term parenteral nutrition, even without the goods will have short-term indexes ofliver function abnormalities. Can occur even phlebitis, vascular pain, and bleeding tendency.
    3 patients with decreased fat clearance capacity, despite the normal infusion rate may still lead to the fat overload syndrome. The fat overload syndrome occasionally may also occur in the renal dysfunction and infection in patients. The fat overload syndrome manifested as: hyperlipidemia, fever, fat infiltration, organ dysfunction, but generally as long as the infusion was stopped, the symptoms to subside. 
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