• 尊龙凯时·(中国区)人生就是搏

    Description: AlanylGlutamineInjectionis a concentrated solution for infusion. Chemical Name: L-Alanyl-L-Glutamine.Pharmacological effects: N...
    Description: CompoundAminoAcidInjection (18AA-I) is colorless to light yellow transparent liquid. This product is a kind of colorless or yel...
    Description: This product is a kind of colorless or yellowish clear liquid with multilayer co-extruding film transfusion bag. It is indicate...
    Description: This product is a kind of colorless or yellowish clear liquid. It is indicated as an amino acid (nitrogen) source in parenteral...
    Description: Fat emulsion injection is made from refined soybean oil, glycerine, refined lecithin infusion of fat emulsion. The product is a...
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